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Alexander Dumas published "The Three Musketeers."
Elizabeth Barrett Browning published two volumes of Poems, which included "A Drama of Exile", "A Vision of Poets", and "Lady Geraldine's Courtship".
James Russell Lowell published his second volume, Poems and married Maria White.
The University of Notre Dame in Indiana received its charter.
King Oscar I ascends to the throne in Sweden-Norway.
The first electric telegram is sent by Samuel F. B. Morse from Washington, DC to Baltimore MD saying, "What hath God wrought."
Joseph Smith, Jr., founder of the Mormons is martyred in Jail in Illinois.
Charles Goodyear receives a patent to strengthen rubber.
YMCA is founded in London.
The Debtor's Prison in London is abolished.
James Polk defeats Henry Clay in Presidential Election.
Marx and Engels meet in Paris.
Ralph Waldo Emerson published: Essays: Second Series "Experience" and "The Poet"